Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Elder Grigor's cut lip

Here are some pictures to go along with 
Elder Grigor's "stupid story of the week"

Nice tape job!

It's already healing up nicely :)  

Split my lip :(

Hey Mom :)

So jealous of those pictures!! My companion is sitting next to me and he is really jealous too, the game and the beach and the theme parks. So FUN!! I bet you guys had a blast. Great to hear about Taylor's call he's going to do great down there, you'll have to fill me in on the rest, they are coming up pretty quick right? So I don't have a ton of time this week because Elder Bednar is coming soon, I was really hoping I would be able to write you guys after he came and tell you all about it but we got an early email time today. I will have to do that next week. Well first I will start with my stupid story of the week. I sleep on the bottom bunk and I thought it would be funny to kick the bunk above me when Elder Gines was up there just to mess around, but I kicked one of the boards loose and it came down and split my lip open. I didn't need stitches but then just taped it back up. I should have a decent scar by my lip, that was so stupid.  I was angry at myself and the bed for a while. Really the only other thing I have to talk about is going proselytizing ( idk how to spell it ) on Saturday. That was really cool. So we drove out to East Lima in the mountains where all the houses are build like on or into the hills. So we drove out there and then me and my companion Elder Rodriguez got on another bus to go our area. As we are walking to the back of the bus there was a lady who just started breastfeeding, I'm sure that will be the first of many times that happens. My friend said that happened to them while he was teaching the lesson and he just started laughing, I wasn't that bad but it was definitely weird. I wish I could have taken pictures and show you where I was at. We are only allowed to take pictures on p-day until 5 o clock so that's why I don't send to many yet. So I was really nervous going into the day but guess who the first person I talked to was? some little Peruvian man who had worked in Canada for 30 years hearding sheep and he spoke English. That was a big relief and just kind of got the jitters out of the way. Everyone is so nice down here, I think out of the 6 people we talked to only 1 said no. Everyone we talked to was for at least half an hour. We were only out for around 3 hours. I basically just watched my companion do all the work because the people talk a lot faster and don't pronounce or use easy words like our teachers. Rodriguez would just nudge me when he wanted me to bear my testimony, 1 time I even quoted Joseph Smith's first vision in Spanish, that was really cool. Well I gotta write a few more letters before Elder Bednar comes, so I will talk to you guys next week!! Love you mom, love you dad, love you Justin, love you whoever else is reading this :)

Elder Grigor


Friday, 19 April 2013

Love Pictures from Home

Hey fam!!


Great to see your pictures and hear your stories, time seems to be moving by so fast right now. When I'm out here it just kind of feels like the rest of the world is on pause so seeing all these pictures and hearing your stories is great, I love it!! Its crazy how much its snowing there, I've been checking the weather everyday down there and it kind of just looks miserable, makes me glad I'm in 20 degree weather everyday. Sad that I missed out on Dads birthday, looked like a blast, but on the bright side he only has one more until I'm home. I didn't take too many pictures this week but I will send a few of things I bought and some fruit and stuff. This week was just more classes and language, its all kind of blending together and when I write in my journal i have a hard time remembering what I did that day. One thing we did was try to throw paper airplanes over the wall from our window, its been kinda fun but we have only got two over so far. Its probably like 40 feet away so its pretty hard. I've been playing a lot of soccer lately too and everyone says that I'm getting pretty good so I cant wait to see what ill be like after 2 years. Its probably my favorite sport right now, I play it everyday in physical activity. Oh and my shoes ripped but I'm a master sewer so I fixed them up real good, ill send you a pic of that. I can only send like 3 pictures per message, kinda lame. 2 cool stories that happened today, we were coming out of the temple and this Peruvian lady came out and asked for a blessing ( she didn't speak any English ) so then we went to a quiet room and gave her a blessing in English it was kind of crazy but she was so grateful and really proved that the spirit speaks to all languages. Then on the bus ride back we were talking to this guy and he was curious why we were all called elder so we explained a bit and were asking if he wanted to know more and he said yes but no one had a Book of Mormon or anything but then I looked in my suit and found a pass along card which I have no idea where I got it but it was just in there so we gave it to him, that was a fun experience. This Saturday we get to go out and proselyte for about 4 hours with a Latino companion. I'm excited for that!!! Well I should go write some more letters now, love you guys and hope you have fun at the game, let me know how awesome it is!! Talk to you next week. Oh and by the way Elder Bednar is coming next Tuesday. No biggy. Adios!!


Love, Elder Grigor

Pictures from Peru

Elder Grigor holding passion fruit

Elder Grigor's fancy sewing job to repair  
his shoes. He has started playing soccer
everyday during his physical activity time and
this is what happened to his running shoes!

A new soccer jersey, some ties made out of
Lama hair, pop and a few treats. Just a regular
shopping trip on Elder Grigor's p-day!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

MTC life. Grateful for Conference and a few days of English

Hello Family!!!!

Great to hear about the fun you guys had this week! The cabin sounded great! I will be looking forward to my captain crunch. It will be nice to have some normal food for once! Not that captain crunch is normal but the food down here is very questionable sometimes. My stomach isn't always happy with the choices my brain makes. But I'm slowly getting used to it which is good. Sorry about your crazy schedule Dad, makes me feel better about my crazy schedule. Glad the car is still running ok and that Justin is a good driver, 1 bet he is really excited to start driving. And I heard about that guy breaking his leg that sounds awful! Hopefully he will be ok.  Well I will quickly tell you about my week. I don't really know what to start with because its all just kind of a blur right now, we mostly just do language study which isn't too exciting all the time, we have been teaching our investigator a lot though lately.  ( all in Spanish 30 min lessons )  A couple days ago we committed her to baptism so we received two new investigators and now we are starting to teach them. Its seems crazy but I'm so ready for it!! Its crazy to think I have been here for two weeks already, its gone by soo fast!! Since I'm from Canada everyone makes fun of how I say "out and about". I think its pretty funny. They should be putting up my flag soon and I will send a picture of that. I have a few more pictures since we're only allowed to take them on p-day. We are going shopping and to the temple again today so I am really excited for that.
love you guys!!! talk to you next week! I almost forgot to talk about conference. It was great and I loved it. We got it broadcast in English, that was nice to have a few days of English. My favorite talks were David  Beck, Elder Anderson, and President Monson's on obedience, hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did!!
love you!!

 Elder Grigor

We Got PICTURES !!!!!

I have always heard that a picture is worth a thousand words.....
no words could ever suffice to describe how happy we were to see these pictures.
A few pictures of Elder Grigor in the MTC, at the Temple and enjoying his P-Day!
March 28, 2013 Elder Grigor's first day in the Lima, Peru MTC

Just a few comforts of home !

This will be a nice luxury that Elder Grigor
will long for. Once he is in the mission field
he will have to hand wash all of his clothes.
April 2nd, 2013 Elder Grigor in front of the Lima, Peru Temple

April 2nd, 2013- Elder Grigor with his district in the MTC. 
His companion Elder Crankshaw is in the green shirt.

April 5th, 2013 Elder Grigor's missionary card

April 9th, 2013  Elder Grigor and the Elders striking
 a pose- oh how we love this missionary!

April 9th, 2013 Elder Grigor pointing to his
 mission on the map at the Peru MTC.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

My first P-Day!

Our first long email from Elder Grigor. He sounds like he is doing good. That makes us all quite happy!
I am doing very good!! This preparation day has been awesome. Much needed just to relax and get some things done. We went to the temple and did some shopping. I bought some pop and a tie made out of lama fur with a picture of the Cochabamba temple. I don't know how to put pictures up yet and I don't want to waste time trying to figure that out so I will send some later probably. Sounds like you guys have had a pretty good week. There are some times I wish I could just lay down and watch TV but I am really liking it here right now. The first couple of days were rough but Sunday that all changed. It was such an amazing day to appreciate the Savior and his atonement.  That night after a fireside I had the most spiritual experience here so far. We had a district meeting and we were talking about the fireside and the love that Jesus has for us. You know me, I am very quiet and don't say much, so I was listening and taking it all in, I had lots I wanted to say but couldn't find the right opportunity to start talking, then out of nowhere my district leader stopped and said he had a prompting to ask me to bear my testimony, I lost it and started crying like a baby as I was bearing it. That was just amazing to me that he knew I needed to say something. That really confirmed to me the power of Heavenly Father and that he really knows everything that we need in our lives. I was also able to bear my testimony in Spanish in sacrament meeting.  It was very simple and I was very nervous but I was glad that I did it. I can also pray and do the door approach in Spanish. We also taught an investigator in Spanish ( just one of the teachers) but it was still very hard and they are good actors. She did not make it very easy for us. My first companion is Elder Crankshaw from Cedar City, Utah. He is a nice guy, so far I really like him and he is athletic like me so I like that. And there is one elder across the hall from Utah - Elder Gines ( we say he-ness) that reminds me of Justin. He can quote almost any line from any movie and its hilarious, Nacho Libre is his favorite and the accent is perfect. Next week I will just send one long email for you dad and Justin so that it is faster because I only have an hour and I am a slow typer. It was great to hear about your guys week and I look forward to hearing from you guys next week. . love you gguuyyss.

lloovvee  eellddeerr  ggrriiggoorr

((  mmyy  kkeeyybbooaarrdd  jjuusstt  ggoott  mmeesssseedd  uupp  iiddkk  hhooww  ttoo  ffiixx  iitt))